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Add your project to cryptocurrency aggregators Coinmoner, CoinGecko, CoinPaprica, Nominex, Coinranking and others.
SKU 105
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Product Details
Partners: Cryptocurrency data aggregators CoinGecko, Coinranking, Coinmoner, Coinstore, Nominex, Coinmama and others.
Project Category Description: Marketing and promotion of crypto projects for the target audience of the crypto market.
Most often ordered for: Blockchain projects, tokens, cryptocurrencies, NFT. DeFi, cryptocurrency exchanges, other crypto projects.
✅ The turnaround time does not exceed 10 days.
✅ Your product will be added to the best aggregators of the cryptocurrency market.
✅ A standard order includes:
- We will add your project to 3 cryptocurrency market aggregators, with size guarantee + 2 applications without guaranteed placement...
- We will take care of all questions and negotiations with the administration.
- We will prepare and send all documentation and all necessary forms ourselves.
- We guarantee that your project will not be blocked and added to the Black List.
- You want to register your project on CoinGecko or CoinMarketCap. First of all, your project must be added to other cryptocurrency market data aggregators.
Your project is traded on DEX or centralized cryptocurrency exchanges and you want users and investors to pay attention to your project.
It must be listed on at least 3 aggregators.
It is also worth noting that data from these sites appear in search engines.
If your project is not added to the aggregators of the crypto market, it remains virtually unknown to investors.
Once your project is added to these sites, you can move on and list your project on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap.
One of the basic first steps to spreading the word about your project to potential investors is to list your project on cryptocurrency market data aggregator sites.
When registering your project, it is necessary to strictly comply with the conditions: if you submit incorrect information, your project may not only be incorrectly presented to investors and clients, but also be blocked forever.
To fulfill your order, send us the following information:
- Before posting you need to prepare a social media site, technical document, your team details and other information (we do an audit for free as a bonus for you).
- You also need to fill out a list of questions (you can download it from the link below).
- Please note that not all questions are mandatory, many of them are already on your website or in your white paper.
Please consult with us before ordering.
You can download the questionnaire and questions here.
🔥🔥🔥🔥 Please note: You can use additional options, the price is for standard options, maybe according to your requirements the price will be higher or lower. And maybe we can offer you the most suitable and profitable option, which will be ideal for you.
Add your project to cryptocurrency aggregators Coinmoner, CoinGecko, CoinPaprica, Nominex, Coinranking and others.
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