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Advertising promo video on the topic of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, the scoring of the video in 10 languages, possible roller with a live presenter.
Advertising promo video on the topic of cryptocurrencies and blockchain, the scoring of the video in 10 languages, possible roller with a live presenter.
SKU 142
On Sale

Promotion of Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, NFTs and other cryptocurrency projects in LinkedIn communities, an audience of over 2 million people.
Promotion of Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, NFTs and other cryptocurrency projects in LinkedIn communities, an audience of over 2 million people.
SKU 102
On Sale

Promotion of Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, NFTs and other cryptocurrency projects in Facebook communities, an audience of over 1 million people.
Promotion of Cryptocurrencies, ICOs, NFTs and other cryptocurrency projects in Facebook communities, an audience of over 1 million people.
SKU 135
On Sale

We will place your promotional video on video hosting in China. Youku, Aqiyi, Tencent, Toutiao, Weibo, Souhu. Make your video available to users in China.
We will place your promotional video on video hosting in China. Youku, Aqiyi, Tencent, Toutiao, Weibo, Souhu. Make your video available to users in China.
SKU 131
On Sale

Investment pitch - presentation for your project, according to international standards, for private investors and venture capital funds (Pitch Deck for investors).
Investment pitch - presentation for your project, according to international standards, for private investors and venture capital funds (Pitch Deck for investors).
SKU 143
On Sale

We will provide you with contact information of investment funds and private investors for your cryptocurrency project, contact them, as well as give detailed instructions.
We will provide you with contact information of investment funds and private investors for your cryptocurrency project, contact them, as well as give detailed instructions.
SKU 144
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